Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Chipola Area Gator Club Held its Annual Smoked Steak Dinner

The dinner was held on Tuesday night, May 4th, at the Agricultural Center.

A social time began at 6:00 P.M. where 140 loyal gator fans enjoyed delicious boiled peanuts, supplied and prepared by Cousin Milton Pittman. This, along with a variety of drink was served by Clay Milton.

Welcoming the guests was an 8 foot inflatable Florida Gator with huge outstretched arms. The dinning room tables were overlaid with orange and blue tablecloths, adorned with Gator figurines attached to orange and blue balloons. This, along with other added decorations really set the party mood.

A big thanks to Shannon Lollie, Doris Williams, and Peggy Brown for decorating. We also appreciate the expertise of Byron Ward in setting up the computer system, and to Grant Shelfer for setting up the sound system.

A great smoked steak dinner was provided by Bill Peacock, with Jeffery Howell and his crew of Phillip Clikas, Zech Morgan, Peggy Brown, and Frank and Teresa White serving.

LuAnn Law gave a scholarship committee report, stating that all high schools in Jackson, Calhoun, and Washington County have been notified of up-coming scholarships available this fall semester. The deadline for applications being submitted is June 1st. Please send to Chipola Area Gator Club Scholarship, 3073 4th Street, Marianna, FL.

The election of officers for the coming year are as follows: President – Milton Pittman; President Elect – Albert Milton; Secretary – Cindy James; Treasurer – Donna Rogers.

Our special guest speaker was Justin Frye, who is an assistant offensive line coach at the University of Florida and he did an outstanding job. He showed two video highlight films and spoke about spring practice, and the spring game. He also spoke about the success of Coach Urban Myer and his staff’s ability to sign the Number One Recruiting Class in the Nation. We also welcomed Coach Frye’s wife, Laurin, with a door prize of Gator apparel, for their newly expected arrival in June.

Thanks to Ellory Fuqua for drawing out prize numbers, and to Omega Hopkins for collecting door prizes. A big thanks to the Decorator’s Door, Paramore’s Pharmacy, Hopkin’s Pontiac, Wal-Mart, Dr. Jane Calhoun, LuAnn Law, Wade Mercer, Charlie Brown, and Coach Frye for donating door prizes.

A special guest, Jessica Bradley was introduced as one of Chipola’s most outstanding students, in addition to having been recently featured in April’s issue of USA Today. She plans to transfer to the University of Florida. Also introduced was Wiley Selman from Seagrove Beach, FL. who is a former Gator graduate, plus a Gator letterman. Devin Iqou, a former Chipola Junior College Baseball standout, who resides at Seagrove Beach, was also welcomed, as was Rhonda Milnik, an honorary member of the Chipola Gator Club.

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